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When Less Is More

When Less Is More

I’ve devoted the next 100 days to focusing on and sharing insights about healing.  I hope you will enjoy the read. If you find something helpful please use it and share it with your friends as well.  And if you have a relevant insight please share it in the comments. Thank you. Enjoy the journey!

Day 1: When Less Is More

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have; for he has said, “I will never fail you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 RSV

Have you ever wondered how many friends is enough?  When we were introduced to social media as a way to cultivate business we were encouraged by the pundits to gain as many followers as possible.  How many is enough? I listened and started building away on several platforms.

I have over 5000 friends/followers over several platforms.  While I recognize the value of having potential clients to buy books or CDs or attend a concert or workshop I would settle for having a few close relationships that I can be real in.  Intimacy is uber important!

The longer I live the more I treasure quietness.  I’m grateful for moments where I’ve performed for 30,000 or 70,000 people.  I long for more moments where I’m a caring and listening ear for someone who values my attention and where I can be the same.  And if I had to do it all over again I would spend more time having those moments and be happy with ¼ of the followers or fans.  I’m grateful for them but I want to give my best in the most meaningful way to those who God has allowed me to cross paths with.

Because we are constantly being marketed to we feel this urge to have more things to be happy.  It doesn’t work that way. Shawn Achor wrote a book (The Happiness Advantage) that explains well how happiness isn’t the result of getting a certain amount of stuff or achieving a certain amount of success.  We must choose our happiness and we can have it now and enjoy it along our journey.  Things don’t give us happiness.  Happiness is a choice we make.  Stop believing that “more” will bring you happiness.

The bible encourages us in many places to be content and not live a life consumed with the pursuit of money.  When we unplug from the advertisements and messages around us we can start to believe that God has given us what we need to enjoy life.  And one of the most important lessons we can learn is that life is best when we choose daily to depend upon Him and trust Him. After all he said he would never leave us or forsake us.

So today I choose to be happy as I am, where I am with what I have.  I am blessed. Thank you, Father.

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Loose Weight With Water


Could something as simple as water be the solution to your weight loss? While I have tried many approaches to getting in better shape I’ve found that walking and water seem to be an important component for me each time I’m successful. Here are some ideas that I’ve found helpful.

1. Drink water with lemon juice to start the day.

The combination causes you to eliminate and feel fresh and clean 🙂 .  A few years ago I participated in a documentary that explored the effects of The Corrective Diet.  I lost 32lbs in one month.  One of the important parts of that program was keeping hydrated and making sure to start the day out with some lemon water.

2.  Drink enough water to reveal the difference between hunger and thirst.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is:

  • About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men
  • About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women

While traditionally we’ve been told to have eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily some suggest having more.  I’ve found that at times I’ve thought I was hungry but when I drink water regularly, usually at least once a half hour that I don’t get hungry like I usually would.  So making sure you are hydrated before you eat will reduce how much you feel you need to eat because you may be confusing thirst and hunger.

3. Drink till your urine is clear.

One simple way to check that you are having enough water is to check the color of your pee.  If it’s clear or very light yellow then you are probably doing very well with your water intake.

While drinking enough water does many other things like give you energy and increase your metabolism I wanted to end with this thought.  Your body takes toxins that would harm you and it stores them as fat.  So when you want to loose weight you will have to safely get rid of all those toxins.  Drinking lots of water allows you to remove those toxins safely.

So please remember water and weight loss go together.  And I hope you combine them with walking!

I wish you success on your journey to health, happiness and wholeness.  Please feel free to share what’s working for you on your journey to wellness in the comments.  Also, please subscribe to this blog for more tips on better living.  And a special thank you for those who support this ministry.  Are you thirsty?  Try a glass of water!